Joanna Chimonides finds PUBES in her food

Posted By: Fubar Radio On:

Last week on Access All Areas, host Joanna Chimonides revealed she recently found pubic hair in shop-bought food!

Talking to co-host Stephen Leng about the incident, the Love Island star explained that after finishing a workout, she tucked into a Jamaican patty to find a clump of black hair: “The hair was so wrapped around the meat inside and I was pulling it and it was awful! I didn’t eat for a whole day because I was feeling so sick!”

When asked if she’d got in touch with the people who made it, Joanna explained: “They want me to go down there to fill in a food review type thing” to which she responded: “No! You can send me that through email. I don’t know if you know but there is a pandemic going on and I’ve just found pubes in my Jamaican patty!”

To listen back to the full chat, head here.

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