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In an interview with Harriet Rose on FUBAR Radio, singer Shura talked about us obsessing over her and the upcoming album ‘Nothing’s Real’.

The debut LP took her 2 years to complete and now she’s ready to share with the world. When asked about the process, she said that, “it’s a strange thing, spending 2 years making an album is not a long time. Someone goes, Shura you just popped out of this cloud. It wasn’t the case. I want to make an album where every ‘next’ song is your favourite.”

Her latest single ‘Touch’ came out over in 2014, she has now released an updated version featuring Talib Kweli. “I wanted to do something extra,” she said. “I just emailed him. I just sent him [the song] and said please can you do a verse. He’s done an amazing job! It was very strange hearing a voice so recognisable rapping over something you have done, you can hear that he actually listened to the lyrics.”

With the festival season right around the corner, she told us about her privileges as an artist and what she definitely does not miss. “Not having to queue for the toilets with everyone else is a real treat. Also what a luxury it is to get paid to go and play in front of people at place where there is other people that you’d be pay to go see,” Shura added.

Shura will release her debut album on July 8th and you can find her on Twitter @WeAreShura.

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