The first ever direct freight train from China has arrived in London today after completing its 7.500 mile journey. This in itself isn’t exactly headline news, and would certainly be classed as ‘mildly interesting.’ BUT, before the train begins its journey home, FUBAR have a few people we’d like to chuck on board to take away from the UK…
Nicola Sturgeon
Desperately trying to remain relevant and keeps banging on about Scottish Independence. Pack your bags Nicola, you’re off.
Jeremy Hunt
The Health Secretary is officially the most hated politician according to some polls and with good reason. The video above is a hilarious compilation of people ‘mispronouncing’ his name.
Jamie Oliver
Jamie’s getting too big for his boots trying to fix Britain’s diet AGAIN. Shut-up Jamie, no-one cares. Also, his children have ridiculous names like ‘Buddy Bear.’
Charlotte Church
Charlotte clearly can’t sing anymore and so is now annoyingly piping up about political issues. She claimed she was asked to sing at Donald Trump’s inauguration, which is almost certainly bullshit, in an attempt to remain relevant so she’s going on the train.
Diego Costa
Diego actually WANTS to go to China to play in the Chinese Super League and earn something ridiculous like £600,000 a week. Apart from that, he is also a wanker when he plays and is hated by many sets of fans.
Katie Hopkins
No explanation needed really.