Our childhoods are being relived! Or some of you, your kids childhoods.
Either way, you can’t deny that Road Wars was – we mean is – amazing.
It’s back on our screens every Sunday for the next few weeks. Robot Wars is taking over Top Gear’s spot, a show that’s also been refreshed for the latest series. However, the feedback from the all new Top Gear was awful and saw viewing stats reach a new LOW.
Robot Wars however has already kicked Top Gear to the curb. During it’s returning episode on Sunday it gathered 2 million viewers, beating the final overnight audience of Top Gear by a huge amount.
The show, which began on BBC2 in 1998, peaked in its first incarnation with 6 million viewers, before tailing off to just 1.2 million and ending up on Channel 5. However the show has returned to BBC2 for a six part series.