Episode 128 – Bishop Nehru & more

First Broadcast: 6th August 2018


Episode 128 - Bishop Nehru, Micall Parknsun & Mr Thing, Judge The Disciple, Oblivious, Patrin, Scran Cartel and Reezy Re Rio T. download

The Hip-Hop Show

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Another week, and another massive hip hop show! Bishop Nehru was on the phone talking about is European tour and how he came to work with MF Doom and Kaytranada. Micall Parknsun & Mr Thing were in the studio talking about their album ‘Finish What We Started’. Judge the Disciple came all the way from the USA to join Sarah and Mys in the studio and talk about his new music and working with DJ Daredevil. Micall Parknsun and Judge the Disciple stuck around and jumped on the open mic along side Oblivious, Patrin and Scran Cartel (Benny Diction & MNSR Frites), with a beat from Rio T AKA Reezy Re.