Z Dot, Alicai Harley & more

First Broadcast: 29th August 2018


Episode 144 - Z Dot, Alicai Harley & more download

Mikill Pane and Marcel Somerville

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Mikill Pane had heaps of amazing guests this week! Z Dot discussed the issues with Americans pronouncing his name, and let us in on his hectic schedule when in the studio. Shef was the next guest in the hot seat, and he chatted everything from introversion to the cost of making music. K*ners came through later on and brought his own guest in the form of Blacksmith to chat about their new track together. They also played the game Confessions. Alicai Harley was the final guest – they chatted all about carnival and played the game Nah, I’m Done. All of this was accompanied by some incredible music and the famous games.