All episodes

Ian Boldsworth

Episode 82 - Brilliant Jerks and Harriet Thorpe

1 hour 34 minutes | Tuesday, 13 March 2018

This week the show kicked off with a tale of Ian in a fight in a pub, and with a complete debacle over who should be on the phone to sing a song. This was interrupted by the arrival of Absolutely Fabulous actress Harriet Thorpe, who vowed to be a part of the next 21 episodes, ahead of her appearance in Ruthless! The Musical. Eventually, a caller named Sam rang up and decided to sing, although that wasn't without its own controversies, before two cast members of Brilliant Jerks, which is happening as part of London's Vault Festival, joined Ian to discuss the play inspired by Uber.

Episode 82 - Brilliant Jerks and Harriet Thorpe
Ian Boldsworth

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